
What is the dispute resolution process? ??

In this article:

The customer makes a complaint:

  • Evidence is requested for the case ??
  • Evidence is requested from the jobber (depending on the dispute) to defend themselves ??
  • If it is determined that the customer is right, action options are proposed to them:
  • Give the jobber an opportunity to correct their mistake without penalty (if applicable to the case) ??
  • Give the jobber an opportunity to correct their mistake with a partial penalty (the reduced percentage of fees depends on the severity of the case, options range from 10% up to a maximum of 50%) ⚖️?
  • Replace the jobber. The position is reposted and supported in the new selection. The cost of the new jobber cannot be higher than the previous one; if it is lower for project-based hiring, the difference is refunded, and for recurring hiring, the placement fee is not charged again. ??
  • Cancellation of the opportunity. If there is money retained, it is refunded, and the opportunity is closed. ❌?
  • The customer can later penalize the jobber's rating and review on the platform if they wish to ⭐?

The jobber makes a complaint:

  • Evidence is requested for the case ??
  • Evidence is requested from the customer (depending on the dispute) for counter-defense ??
  • If it is determined that the jobber is right, action options are proposed to them:
  • Give the customer an opportunity to correct their mistake without penalty (if applicable to the case) ??
  • Release 100% of the withheld fees ??
  • The jobber can later penalize the customer's rating and review on the platform if they wish to ⭐?